Thursday, November 12, 2009

What I was Thinking about

Dua hari setelah berpikir. Di beri waktu untuk menghela nafas dan menggunakan otak untuk berpikir tentang tulis-menulis ini. Teringat segala kenangan-kenangan yang dulu pernah mengisi gw. Gue membuka segala tulisan gw, dari novel-yang-ga-akan-pernah-selesai sampai puisi-yang-terbaru dan tulisan gue lumayan berkembang. Masalah tulis menulis is not a big deal for me, writing is simple (but not on MPKT class, I don't even know what is that for), especially if you writing literature. Okay back then, as I told you before writing is me. Part of my life, I mean. Writing makes my life brighter than before. In retrospect this feeling, I very feel (I think there is no words to visualize what I feel now)
empty? (no it's not like that)
sad? (it's more than sad I think)
Actually, I don't know what I feel today, but as time goes by I think is better if I following my friend advice, natasha, she said "I think ur writing is not a junk, literature is an art, you don't need blablablablabla (i forgot her advice, sorry dear natasha :))
To sum up with this, secara sah gw akan meneruskan semua tulisan gue and I don't care what they say. 
Happy Writing, 

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