Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Prayers Go with Kyu

Dear God,
I don't know how to send You a letter, but sure I make this post for You.
Thank You, for being so kind and keep me healthy everyday. Giving me air to breathe in, ability to walk, eyes to see how beautiful world is, ears to listen everybody's problems, hands to touch, and soul to feel. 
I feel more human these days. 

Dear God,
I know it's kinda rude to ask for more since you've given me bliss everyday. Please take care of my babyKyu, God. He is ill, and it takes only a second for me to burst into tears. Everybody says it's a cliche, but I don't feel this like a cliche. This kind of feeling under my skin and push me to cry. I cry so hard right after hear the news.

And God,
Thanks for giving me so much tears to shed. Because I know, I cry for a good reason.

It tears me apart to know that you're ill, it's the second biggest fear after losing my parents. Get well soon, my babyKyu. Don't force yourself and please try to eat vegetables. My prayers go with you

정말 보고싶어요, 규 오빠

Even Rose Cries Blood

Dear babyKyu,
Hearing the latest news about you makes me hurt. Do you know how much ELF worry for your health? For the last 3 days, I never tweet you in a row, and today I hear the news that you're ill. For one good reason, I wish I was in Seoul now. I spend too much tears nowadays, I don't care for red eyes or puffy one. 

What I know is, I cry for one good reason, even though crying so hard gets me nowhere, Kyu. 

I love you

정말 보고싶어요, 규 오빠

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tell Me The Truth

How to suffer this pain?
It's like thousands lighting strike upon me. I just can't sit and hardly breathe without knowing the truth.
Tell me tell me, is there a chance for Indonesia selected for SS3's country list?

everybody lies by telling "you'll never have tears to shed if you spend them too much" in fact, I still have them. And yes, another dream wasted on my Andromeda.

정말 보고싶어요, 규 오빠

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kontemplasi Tentang Andromeda

Hai Andromedaku,
Ketegangan mulai menjalari tubuh saat saya menulis tentang kamu. Berceloteh, menggores pena pada secarik kertas, dan berusaha menerbangkannya ke angkasa luas dengan harapan kamu bisa membaca. Ya, sangat mustahil. Tapi, perasaanku kepadamu, tidak seperti pesawat kertas yang diterbangkan dan jatuh karena kurang keseimbangan.
Perasaanku padamu lebih konstan. Ya, kurang lebih begitu.

Hei, tahukah kamu Andromeda? 
Tidak sedikit yang mencemooh saat aku deklarasikan ingin bertemu dengan kamu. Ya, mereka semua terkejut karena menurut mereka itu termasuk keajaiban dunia terbaru abad ini, tetapi aku tidak pernah patah semangat untuk bisa mewujudkan mimpi itu.
Seseorang pernah berkata padaku, "disaat manusia tidak punya harapan, mimpi adalah harapan itu". Einstein juga pernah berkata bahwa "imajinasi melingkari dunia" (kira-kira seperti itu, kan?) 
Sekarang aku memutuskan untuk berpikir tentang mimpi dan mulai berusaha mewujudkan mimp-mimpi itu. Ibu bilang, ia salut melihat kecintaan aku kepada kamu. Aku terlalu keras kepala dan terlalu keras mewujudkan mimpi itu, sehingga ia mendukungku pelan-pelan.
Semua orang mulai sedikit berubah tentang mimpiku ingin bertemu dengan kamu.

Andromedaku yang jaraknya kurang lebih 2.5jt tahun cahaya dari galaksi Bimasakti,
Aku ingin merasakan euforia teman-teman yang sudah bertemu dengan kamu, aku ingin meneriakan namamu (walaupun sebenarnya aku selalu membicarakan kamu, mungkin teman-temanku sudah merasa bosan dan mual mendengarnya, tapi tidak bagiku)
Aku berjanji saat kita bertemu, aku akan berpartisipasi membawa tongkat biru bercahaya dan mengubah sekeliling menjadi lautan biru safir bercahaya. 
Ah ya, dan tentu saja meneriakan namamu.

Tunggu dan lihat aku ya.

Demam Andromeda ini menyebar sampai ibuku loh, ia bilang ia ingin bertemu dengan kamu juga.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Indonesian ELF's Project

On Friday 13th August 2010,  said:

(pls spread this project through your blog :D)

In this project, we'll put an ad in one of Indonesia's media print, Seputar Indonesia, on august 21st (for Kibum birthday) and august 24th (for yesung birthday) which is containing a birthday greeting for them.
Moreover, we'll also give our support for SJ and SS3 which will start soon in korea.

How to participate on it?
ELF could donate at least RP.50.000 for this ad.
The donation will be transferred to BCA Ervilia Lupita Adriyanti before August 18th 2010. After you've transfer you have to confirm it to 0878 8037 5887 by write down your account twitter or tweet .
The more donation we get, the better the ad is (for big full color ad + photo, we need a big fund and it could be more than RP.500.000)

What is the purpose of this project?
Right after the ad is published, we'll scan it and show it to the member of SJ so they could know that the number of Indonesian ELF is not few. And at the end it will be a big chance too for SS3Indonesia.

So, come on join this project and don't miss it ! ^^
help us to spread this project and let's make it daebak!!

price for the ads,, we have 3 choices... (colorful ads with Kibum and Yesung photo's on it)
1. ads size 7,5x7,5cm = Rp3,5jt
2. ads size 10,5x10,5cm = Rp6,5jt
3. ads size 15x15cm = Rp12jt

so if you wanna give the best ads, please participate this project. we need lots of donations because we want to make 2 ads rite? so at least we need Rp7jt before August 18th(for Kibum ad) and August 21th (for yesung ad)

thx!! :D


help us please, Indonesian ELF! We're looking for the same aim, right? SS3 for Indonesia. Thank you everyone,


Demam SS3 (lagi)

Demam SS3, emang ga bisa terelakan lagi. setiap hari mimpi yang saya alami hanya tentang mereka. 
Gawat. Dari mulai ke Everland bareng Kyu sampai Eeteuk datang ke SMP saya.
Kenapa mimpi saya jadi begini yah?

hwaiting uri oppa,   more day before SS3 for Seoul.
Hwaiting! kenapa lama banget SS3 buat Malaysia -___- (keburu kangen banget duluan ini)


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Leads Me to Another You

Even though, I change a lot everyday. But still, I can see the same path leads to you.

I miss my Kyu,


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seolah Membuat Semuanya Lebih Baik.


This is What Happen Lately..

if you got an eerie feeling after hanging up the phone
sort of happy feeling but you're not sure what it's called,

if you're haunted by his face whenever you're asleep at night
and think you hear his silly voice just calling out your name,

just can't help but talk about him in every conversation
till your friends are sick and tired of that same old crap,

(Mocca--I Think I'm in Love)

too much in love with Kyu makes me cry. A lot.


One of a Kind Ghost

Everytime I close my eyes, I can only hear your voice even though you're not here.
And, everytime I pretend not listening, I see blue.
Blue, which is kyou.


Flower Bouquet

i really love MBC Flower Bouquet. i love to hear and see that Kyu is doing well.
Omona, I can't hold on for SS3, for sure! 

I feel dying and burst of laughter when watch MBC Flower Bouquet XD


Friday, August 6, 2010

A Note to ELFs

I never really like classic fairy tale stories where happily ever after always win.
but now, since I've seen fairies I do believe them.

They don't have wings nor glitter everywhere they walk, each of them brings blue sapphire balloons.

And of course, they bring light sticks instead of magic wand.

They are ELF (Super Junior's EverLasting Friends)

i'm proud being an ELF

SS3's Promotion Picture

I can't wait meet my adorablekyu

SS3's Euphoria

I can't wait SS3 for Malaysia! (Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ stadium putra bukit djalil)
Oh God, it's like the best present to me after accepted in psychology department. 

omo omo omo, I can't wait meet my Andromeda.

there's no words come out except, Thanks God for making me still alive :D


Thursday, August 5, 2010

I love Kyuhyun's Lightsticks

Pearl Sapphire Blue Balloons Rock on!

Eeteuk: "when you use pearl sapphire blue balloons to cheer us, we'll always give our best when performing"

now I know the reason why I love blue :D


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


ELF: Donghae Oppa, we're ELF will always protect Super Junior! ^^
Donghae: No, we should protect ELF. Love ELF~
(ELF UFO reply to Donghae)

I think I'm crying because of this UFO reply. I'll see you all for sure on the SS3 :D


Monday, August 2, 2010

My Icekyu~

You more to an ice than four leader vocalists, Kyu.
Ah, I love you.

We'll meet, soon.